Saturday, January 3, 2009

more of my facebook notes

Teddy Bear asked me if I lost a pencil and I was confused so I said yes. Then he said he had it but not today. I think he took it, not I lost it. He started wandering around my group and talking to me. My friends started laughing every time he talked to me. RAWR D:<. It’s so strange; he talks to me and follows me around. I notice things about him. He’s funny, he sleeps in class. He traced his finger on the back of my shirt and asks me a lot of questions. He seems to sit behind me all the time. I always smile for no reason when I’m thinking about him. I know that’s really stupid. I wonder how old he is. I wonder what his last name is. He knows mine. Then there’s that other guy, I don’t know about him but he always makes me happy. He’s not that funny but he’s really something special. Well my mood changes have been getting really out of hand and sooner or later something bad is going to happen.These bitchy behaviors from a few of my friends are really starting to annoy me. I know I shouldn’t be annoyed but it’s really stupid. Cutting is really stupid and most people who do cut just want attention to show off their scars. Some other people do it but they really are just sad. I get really mad when people abuse the word emo. They make it sound like emo and emotional are two different words. It’s stupid and nothing is good about it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

... facebook notes

There are so many things I hate about people. What’s not to hate?? Even though I’m a person too. People are like books, if you don’t rip them apart, you can see how good it actually is. Everyone hates each other and there’s always something wrong. Sometimes, you know what’s wrong but it’s just too hard to fix it. And when you know you made a mistake, it’s too late right?

Selfish people don’t even know what they are and what hurts people around them. Selfish people make you hold stuff when you have no hands; they take your things without asking and don’t even give the other person something in return. They will end up killed and tortured with their hair ripped out and their just a little flab of skin to lie in their coffin. xD

If somebody asks you if you think they are selfish, they are. Everyone is. You just can’t help it. Maybe if we were inhuman, we can be better, or worst.